

“Prosecutors hold the most powerful positions in local government, more powerful than the attorney general, governor and Supreme Court. No other public official can—with the stroke of a pen—start the machinery of government against an individual in our communities to take away their good names, their treasure, and even their liberty.”

– George Brauchler, Former Colorado Elected District Attorney for the 18th Judicial District.

The Research is in.

The Research is in.

Unethical Prosecutors Must Be Held Accountable.
Ethical Prosecutors Must Be Trusted Again
Eliminating Absolute Immunity Is The Answer.

The Data is in.

The Data is in.

No More Task Forces Necessary.
No More Studies, Scholarly Articles or Op Ed’s Necessary.
It is a Fact Prosecutors Have Unlimited Power and Unethical Prosecutors Cause Unlimited Damage to Innocent People.

Unethical Prosecutors Will Not Follow The Rules Until They Are Held Accountable.

Unethical Prosecutors Will Not Follow The Rules Until They Are Held Accountable.

2701 Lawrence Street, Ste 108
Denver, Colorado 80205

2701 Lawrence Street, Ste 108
Denver, Colorado 80205
