All Should be Equal under the Law

All Should be Equal under the Law

Join a movement of supporters on a mission toward criminal legal reform.

Support PEP to Stop Prosecutorial Misconduct in the United States

Support PEP to Stop Prosecutorial Misconduct in the United States

Here to Educate. Here to Reform. Now is the Time.

Your financial contribution helps us stop prosecutorial misconduct. PEP will fight to change policy, rules and laws to deter unethical prosecutors from wrongly convicting innocent people.

Donating to PEP vs PEP Foundation

Donating to PEP vs PEP Foundation

Gifts to PEP allow us the greatest flexibility in our work.  While not tax deductible, they advance our extensive advocacy efforts, communications, and education efforts. As a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, PEP can participate in the political process through lobbying lawmakers in legislatures at the federal and local level. In compliance with U.S. tax codes, PEP’s lobbying efforts make donations non-deductible, but when you make a contribution to PEP, you fund the ultimate goal of PEP to hire lobbyists and change legislation to eliminate prosecutorial immunity.

If you prefer to make a tax deductible gift*, we encourage you to support the 501(c)(3) PEP Foundation.  Gifts to the Foundation support our advocacy, communications, legislative development, and public education efforts.  By donating to both the PEP and PEP Foundation, donors can support all three arms PEP’s overall mission and take advantage of a tax deduction* for part of their gift.

Regardless of how you choose to support PEP’s work, we’re honored to have you as a partner in this critical work.

Please contact PEP for Zelle information if donating $500 or more.

Want to volunteer or tell us your story? Email us at